Parent Page: Conflict of Interest id: 23992 Active Page: Navex Disclosure Management System id: 35169

Navex Disclosure Management System

Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Forms

The Navex Disclosure Management System is the system of record for annual conflict of interest disclosures at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences campus.  Please click here to visit the vendor's page and learn more general information about the system.    

How to Access Your Disclosure Form

Link to current COI disclosure form: Conflict of Interest Disclosure- Health Sciences 2025

Employees will submit electronic COI Disclosures in the Navex Disclosure Management System in the month of February. All University employees will receive an email at the beginning of February with a link and instructions to the annual disclosure form questionnaire. The questionnaire may be completed on all electronic and mobile devices, including computers, laptops, tablets, and cell phones. 

In order to access the current conflict of interest disclosure form, you will need your University credentials.  You may access your form by clicking on the link in the email you received, or by clicking the link below.  

How to Complete Your Disclosure Form

For step-by-step instructions on how to complete your disclosure form, download the user guide here or by clicking the link below. 

Link to Navex User Guide for Employees

How to Amend a Previously Submitted Disclosure Form

Follow the directions below to make a change to a disclosure form already submitted.

  1. Navigate to the current COI disclosure form using the link above or the link in your email.
  2. Login with your Univeristy credentials.
  3. Under the View Campaign tab, click on the title of the current disclosure form.
  4. Click Amend Reponse in the upper-right part of your screen.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter a short reason why you are changing your disclosure form.
  6. Click continue.  
  7. You will then be able to view your current disclosure form and click through the pages and find the content you wish to amend.
  8. Make your changes on the appropriate page and then click through to the end of the form.
  9. Review and Submit your disclosure form.        

If you have any questions, please contact: